Saturday, August 15, 2009

Eek! It's Been a Month :)

Hey there,

I am now in my sixth week on the program, and I lost track of blogging. At my last weigh-in I was 274 ibs, and had lost 14 inches. 10 of the inches were around my stomach alone. I had some pics taken on Friday, and have compared them to my original pics. It's amazing! I was not even remotely happy when I started. No smile. I honestly look drunk... but I wasn't. It was just me in the middle of the day. Whereas now I look happy. least smiling. :) I am so proud of what I have accomplished in 5 weeks.

I must admit, the first month was extremely difficult. I craved lots of chicken tenders and corn chips. I gave in a little too much. Fortunately, things turned around last week when I voluntarily stopped taking the oral B6B12 suppliment. I can't prove it, but I think it was causing the cravings in conjunction with using excessive amounts of Crystal Lite. That's another topic, but the CL made my acne flare as well. There is a link between a fake sugar rise and food cravings. So now I'm not really using CL and I feel fantastic! The reason I say not really is because I'm drinking one liter of parsley tea a day, which is flavored using CL lemon tea. It's so good! Thank goodness my pitcher has markers or I'd drink a gallon a day. It's wonderful.

A few weeks ago I saw Killer at Large: Obesity (don't remember the rest of the title) but it was very insightful. I also recommend everyone look up the McDonald's food experiments on YouTube. McDonald's uses so many preservatives that their food doesn't turn colors or mold! Now I'm no scientist but with the quantities that people in America eat, why are we aging? Aren't we... preserving our bodies *grin*.

On a personal note, I have decided to let my hair grow out. I have tried in the past, but it always made me look sad or just too stringy. I think it was my face shape at the time. The tricky part is that short hair does not grow out lovely. So this should be interesting.

I'm always in need of inspiration so feel free to email me links or just to say hi!

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